Declaration of Impartiality
The certification body Intechnica Cert Ltd. is obliged to be impartial and is aware of the importance of impartiality in the performance of its certification activities. Conflicts of interest are already eliminated before submitting an offer to ensure the objectivity of the certification activities.
We declare that we ensure impartiality by
– Screening each new client for potential conflicts of interest before bidding
– Rejection of applications for certification if impartiality is not guaranteed.
– Ban on consulting for management systems and EU-EHS for Intechnica Cert GmbH. The certification body does not provide consulting services for the development of management systems.
– Participation in the certification as auditor or EU-EHS auditor only after an appropriate time interval, if internal audits or consulting at this customer’s site have been carried out by the intended auditor or EU-EHS auditor.
– Concluding contracts for the performance of the audits with the auditors and EU-EHS verifiers as individuals. Consulting organisations are not contracted to carry out audits.
– Taking appropriate measures when the activities of other persons, bodies or organisations give rise to a threat to impartiality that removes the threat to impartiality.
– Consultation of our committee to ensure impartiality. The certification body shall present to the committee the economic conditions and measures to avoid conflicts of interest, thereby demonstrating that its impartiality is not compromised by economic, financial or other pressures.
All internal and external employees involved in the certification activity guarantee impartiality by accepting this set of rules. They are not bound by instructions in their assessment.
In the certification order to the internal and also external personnel, the certification body requires them to disclose any situation known to the person, which they themselves or the certification body could provide. Such personnel will not be employed until they have demonstrated that there is no conflict of interest.
Click on the links below for detailed information of our procedures
Policy, Declaration of Impartiality, Certification Procedure, Complaints Procedure, Request for Information